
The power of the Christian message comes not from ritual or ceremony, but from the life changing faith which it instils in the hearts of men. It is this faith, and not any church or sacrifice, that frees man from his old way of life. However, even though the church will never save a man, it can play an important role in his growth and development.


In our modern world we tend to forget what really matters. We lose sight of the goodness of God and become wrapped up with our own little problems. By attending church regularly we can make sure that we are continually reminded of the most important things in life, allowing us to focus on God and all that He has done for us.


Attending church not only allows us to hear the good news of Christianity, it also allows us to spend time with people who share our faith. The church is an excellent way to get to know people who are our brothers and sisters in the Lord. Being in the company of these men and women allows us to be strengthened by their prayers, comforted by their sympathy and encouraged by their love.


A final area of Christian life that the church plays an essential part in is that of the sacraments. These are physical ceremonies which have a particular spiritual significance. The two Christian sacraments are baptism, when new Christians show that they have turned to God by being immersed in water, and the Lord's Supper, when Christians remember Jesus' death and resurrection by breaking bread.

Going to Church

For all these reasons and many more it is important that we should become part of our local church.

Most church services will follow a fairly standard format: it will generally begin with singing and prayer led by the minister, which will then be followed by a talk about some aspect of Christian life. At the end you can spend some time talking to other people who attend the church and also find out more about what other things the church organizes.

If you do not know anyone else who goes to a particular church you could just go along and meet people who are there, or you could ask someone to go with you. If you need to know anything, such as about times of meetings, feel free to telephone the minister to find out.

Always remember that you will be made to feel very welcome wherever you attend, so please just go along some week.